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Deadlift Fitness training By Fitness trainer Shanker basu

The deadlift is one of the most important bend patterns, and it must be integrated into everybody’s fitness regime. For Usain Bolt, it may be a 600lb lift, and for your grandma, it can be bending down and picking up her socks. Either way, everyone has to bend, and if you cannot bend, then you have a problem on hand. That is why I appeal to everyone that you meet a qualified person to make you bend effectively. To add, I like and endorse the phrase “You are only as good as your back and butt”!!

The reason I vouch for the above phrase is that these are two very strong and important muscles that need to be strengthened. We need to correct the imbalances and create an atmosphere in the body to bend effectively. 

If a person cannot deadlift effectively, they may have weak back and hip extensors which are of paramount importance in developing your back strength. When I say back strength, I don’t mean just your lumbar (low back) area- it involves the entire posterior (backside) aspect of the body structure.


The human muscle architecture and design are so beautiful that it gains/ regains strength and balance very quickly if you use the right exercises. So next time if someone is advised not to perform the deadlift, please remember that unless you have a disc problem or any other grave issue with your spine, the decision should be questioned. I have come across many exercises and therapeutic professionals who immediately shun out the deadlift in lieu of other exercises. The common answer would be form, pain elevation, and client’s apprehension.


For young Strength and Conditioning coaches, they must understand when to use this exercise. During the season a lot of science and reasoning is required, and more so the athlete’s accumulated workload, type of sport, wellness score and all those fine details are particularly important in drawing your program, and that will be your game changer.


There are many types of Deadlifts. Bending is an important human function, and if you cannot make a healthy client perform some form of the deadlift, the exercise professional’s credibility is highly questionable. If for some reason the exercise professional decides not to give the deadlift it has to be backed up with proper evidence-based reasoning. So please remember the deadlift is one great exercise for bulletproof backs !!