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Spot Reduction

“Experts” who claim that SPOT REDUCTION is possible are nothing but a bunch of good selling agents trying to promote one of their “magic products” to you.

Increase or reduction of weight is largely influenced by genetics which is why if you look around you will notice that there is a set pattern of gaining weight among the members of one family. To elaborate, the regions of fat storage is genetically controlled and hence each member of a particular family has more or less same region of fat storage leading to similar shapes. Trust me, there are no shortcuts to burning down these storages of fat and the only way is to get your metabolic rate up to the optimum levels.

You need to first start moving to get the body pumping; ensure that you eat a largely organic diet; and most importantly, get to bed by 10 pm latest. So to put it in a nut shell- work, eat and sleep right for a better overall reduction.

If only your body was a Ferrari that you drool over every day, how would you care for it? Well no less-your body is your temple and you better understand what and when you dump into it. Simply put, do not eat nutritionally deficient, chemically-laden garbage.

Referring to the Ferrari analogy again, will you ever pour crude oil into your Ferrari? If it runs on petrol, how is it possible to ignite it with diesel? The modern man/woman is brilliant when it comes to his/ her business or career but is so foolishly adamant and refuses to change his/her ways when it comes to health or wellbeing. Contrary to their professional lives, they have such poor understanding of simple eating, moving, and sleeping which is the basis of life in general.

Isn’t it preposterous? What good is all the riches in the world if you do not possess optimum health and energy to enjoy it? I have seen many clients who have abused their bodies with different kinds of toxins for several years and are facing the brunt of it now.

Fat and water storage in the body is actually body's way of protecting you from poisonous toxins as these toxins are diluted by the body and stored in the water and fat. This is often the reason why people can't lose weight when they have not altered their intake.

The highly intelligent immune system will not allow the removal of excess fat and water if the level of toxins that are stored in the fat and water may put your life in jeopardy by their release into the bloodstream.

So please understand that fat is where you store all the toxins and the reason you can’t breakdown these toxins is because there is not enough quality nutrition to break this down, and also, the body is unable to run the detoxification path.

Having said that, please do remember that if you simply reduce the fat in the diet, body gets less essential fatty acids which are necessary for many body functions and hormonal balance. Also, the body will not release fat if there is a lack of essential fatty acids. So, please do not venture into your own theories of nutrition, like reducing fat in the diet, and get pulled into a world where you get a perennial supply of stupid fat loss ideas. You need the right balance in your daily intake and more importantly, your cerebral section.

Discipline, understanding, awareness, and consistency are keywords in weight loss. You can go through liposuction or any other surgical remedies which may temporarily give you a solution but remember if you continue to eat processed garbage full of toxins nothing is going to permanently heal in the body. In other words the fat will truly strongly be stored again in your body.

Make sure you drink enough clean water to keep your body functioning at optimum levels and get proper nutrition to help your body heal. Eating less or eating more is not an answer; eating in right balance is eminent.

Every meal counts; every nutrition supplemented or every toxin added counts. Don’t miss out on the omegas, it’s very important to add the omegas in your food intake to reduce fat storage.

Starving and supplementing are two extremes. First, eat organic/clean food wherever possible and keep moving at least 20 minutes a day. Drink half your body weight in ounces and go to bed by 10:00 pm every day. Do not tie yourself in knots but sit and reflect to uplift the mood and energy in your life by eating, moving, and sleeping right. You don’t need an expert to tell you this. Get out of the slumber and healthily enjoy life.