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Amazing 6 – linear warm up in the gym – a classic

Weight training is a key ingredient for an athlete. Whilst warm-up is essential I thought I should share this wonderful linear warm-up for weight training. It’s just the right kick-off for your optimum arousal before a solid weight training session.

Pick up a barbell, which weighs around 20kgs/15kgs(Olympic bar men/women) and perform 8 reps each of the following exercises.

Excercise Reps
8 reps
Good morning
8 reps
Military press
8 reps
8 reps
Barbell rows
8 reps
Overhead squats
8 reps

The above said sequence is a far better one than your 5 minutes warm-up and stretching. To say the least, it's the difference between chalk and cheese.

Funnily for many clients who hit the gym, this may be the workout!

For women – please use a lighter bar(15 kgs or lesser) and ensure to hit the neural road with good wiring pertinent to form which recruits many motor units in the pathway.

I feel the primary objective is to make sure, all your clients qualify to perform this sequence before they get promoted to some serious stuff. Many clients may not be able to perform this due to a lack of mobility, motor understanding, and strength.

Instead of beating around the bush with millions of isolated exercises for a beginner, you can work your goal towards achieving the form for the above-said patterns to escalate to new heights. The improvement from a neuromuscular point will be the key takeaway.

Enjoy the real lifts.